Capitol Reef National Park is in Utah’s south-central desert. It encompasses a 100 mile long monocline known as the Waterpocket Fold. Within this fold are natural bridges, huge domes of red and white rocks, and intricate canyons. The park is also home to historic pioneer homes and fruit orchards that were first planted in the 1880s.
The Grand Staircase has been called a "world class view a minute." And it's true. Our bike tour takes us through the incredible Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. We begin at the wonderful Boulder Mountain Lodge in the tiny town of Boulder, Utah.
Location: Moab, UT, USA
Duration: 5-Days
Ability: Introductory
Prime Season: April - May / September - October
Price: $1,745 ppRich in natural history and unique geology, riding the ‘behind the reef’ roads shows the real beauty of a place less discovered. From fossils to rock art, slot canyons to grand canyons, the natural landscapes are vast and ready for adventure.
Location: Moab, UT USA
Duration: 5-Days
Ability: Intermediate
Prime Season: April - May & September - October
Price: $1,645 pp